Tuesday, 15 January 2008




CKC said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Calm down, dun so "Heng", not good for health!!

Anonymous said...

my intonation heng nia...myself not heng...hehehe...

Gine said...

well, do you think the person in question will read this post? I believe it's important to let them know, one way or another, if you really care for the friend of yours. It doesn't feel great to tell someone off. In fact, it is terrifying, especially when you are the one with the different thought and you believe you have to make a change. But as we are growing together, and this is one of the stage in life we have to encounter one day.

Anonymous said...

I dint plan to tell the person...Even i do, i dont think the person will listen to what i told...and i never care he or she can change or not...It's non of my business...i just trying to let off some negative emotion here, dint expect to see anything change...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree totally and utterly agree with you lei, though i don't who are you talking but i also most scare of this kind of person. Better avoid than meet liao, coz anything they can comment, just anything.....hash... also don't know why they behave like that. can only say that yi4 zhong2 mi3 yang3 bai2 zhong3 ren2 lor....
no need to care them act de la..:)
mouth is theirs, we can't control also ma...just take all that as transparent lor. hehe....:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous~hehehe...but some people, u just cant avoid to see them around...now i try to be deaf when necessary...hahaha..

CKC said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

we all are not perfect person . in the other word . .we all r not qualified to commend the creatures that created by god . hehe

i'm @zhe~ said...

because we are not perfect, so that's why we need more comments to make something or someone to become more perfect...it's a kind of "jian tao"...this is how human being developed or improved...don't just keep ourselves in the imperfect way...
And for your information, i'm also a god, but just not the god that create u...

Gine said...

Si Zhe, you've missed one point: It's true that human being learn from mistakes, but does the person in question KNOW that he's made a mistake? Is it really his fault if he didn't realise his mistake or his friends' fault they didn't bother to tell him about it? After all, what are friends for, if not to correct and rebuke you sometimes, to make you improve?

i'm @zhe~ said...

If a person has done a mistake, it is for sure that is his/her fault, not others...He/she cannot blame the people around him/her for not telling him/her...They have nothing to do with the mistake that he/she made...They dint trigger it, they don't have the responsibility for it...and may be as a friend, we should have told them, but the question is...is the person that i mentioned, considered as a friend of mine?

yH said...


i'm @zhe~ said...
